Потолочный штатив 91 дюйм/2,3 м Гибкий алюминиевый штатив для цифровых зеркальных камер, нагрузка 22 фунта/10 кг, с вращающейся на 360° центральной колонной, K234A7+BH-28L (старая модель S210)

Модель: KF09.087V2

  • 12720
Общая оценка 5   10
I'm a product and food photographer. I was on the market for a great tripod to get flatlay shots for my food photography business. I did a ton of research for months before I could zero in on this one. The Manfrotto models were way beyond my budget. I read all the great reviews and decided go with the K&F concept 72 inch model, and must admit its a stellar product. Just love how versatile it is for not only flatlyas but general use too. It's robust, has a ton of customization features and locks real well. You cannot compare this to a C-stand with horizontal arm but this one's portable and compact to carry for on-location shoots. It's the best bang for your dollars.