K&F Concept HD Putter 58 мм ND2-ND400 (9 ступеней) переменный нейтральный фильтр, регулируемый водостойкий / устойчивый к царапинам для объектива камеры (Nano-X II)

Модель: KF01.1461

  • 3480
Общая оценка 4.8   4
It works quite well. Without a doubt the best thing is the price, a filter with 9 stops at this price is unbeatable. the cover that comes with imitation leather is also very nice, with a strap to easily access the filter when you put it away.
The only problem is that it has some very obvious cross vignetting (In X) when you go up more than 4 or 5 stops, which (and this is personal) seems more evident to me than in the other variable filters that I have, one also from K&F Concept and another from Freewell.