Магнитный фильтр K&F 67 мм MCUV + CPL + ND1000, водонепроницаемый, устойчивый к царапинам, антибликовая зеленая пленка, с магнитным крепежным кольцом и сумкой

Модель: SKU.1624

  • 6314
Общая оценка 5   1
Been wanting to try these K&F Concept Magnetic Filters since they were announced,
I’m glad I purchased these they’re awesome,
Super easy to use and swap when in the field,
Just attach the magnetic ring to your lens and then it’s simply a case of attaching the filters with ease and swapping out,
No hassle of having to screw the filters on and off, this is totally a game changer in my opinion, I own a fair bit of K&F gear and these are great quality as always,
I have the k&f square filter kits but these are way easier,
The supplied case is really nice too,
They’re not cheap but you get what you pay for, I’m overall extremely happy