Накладной штатив для цифровой зеркальной фотокамеры, компактный алюминиевый портативный штатив для путешествий, 78 дюймов/2 м, монопод для видеоблога, нагрузка 22,05 фунта/10 кг, K234A7+BH-28L (старая модель S210)

Модель: KF09.087

  • 9548
Общая оценка 4.8   128
Versatile and sturdy
I didn't like it much, have had cheaper tripods with sturdier build quality. Though I was using it with a smartphone mount, but still it just doesn't seem like ours worth the extra money to me. The only thing I like about this is its pan capability, its just so smooth on it, like its on a motorised gimball.