Набор фильтров 58 мм (УФ, CPL, FLD, ND2, ND4, ND8)

Модель: SKU0651

  • 1386
Общая оценка 4.7   26
using filters is just way more fun. One of the filters that is hard to ...
I bought this set as a present for my mom's DSLR camera. Many of the functions that these filters provide can be achieved by changing the cameras settings, but, using filters is just way more fun. One of the filters that is hard to replicate with just camera settings is the Polarized filter, as far as scenic pictures go, the picture result using the polarized filter is so much more vibrant as the filter cuts glare, makes colors more saturated, and greatly reduces how much haze appears in the picture. I was originally just looking for the polarized filter for her but this kit us just such a great value that I couldn't pass it up. Again filters are FUN and that is what amateur photography is all about!