TM2515T Штатив для зеркальной фотокамеры, монопод, 60 дюймов, Canon, Nikon

Модель: KF09.046

  • 7022
Общая оценка 4.8   52
Amazing tripod - so many features in one product!
I was looking for a tripod to replace my old one, as it was having stability problems. I found this one while searching for one and after looking at the reviews, I decided to give it a try.Honestly, it's amazing! It's a tripod, a monopod, it also has a vertical/horizontal camera holder, weight hook, and the legs can be reversed for better portability. Only downside in this is probably the weight, which is just a bit heavier than usual. However, I think that for the price that is being asked, it's hard to find something better. It's pros outweight the cons a lot. I am very satisfied with this product, as it fills every need I had while looking for a new tripod and I recommend it for anyone - begginer or professional!