K&F Легкий компактный алюминиевый штатив 67 дюймов TM2515M1 для цифровой зеркальной фотокамеры Canon, Nikon - концепция K & F

Модель: KF09.083

  • 10749
Общая оценка 4.9   57
Lightweight and Sturdy
This is the best tripod I've ever owned and this is totally worth the price.I love1. Design: It is so slick and nice!2. Sturdy: it was built greatly that it is very sturdy compare to other tripods I have.3. Very smooth control: I don't know how to explain this but this tripod can be controlled easily.4. You can remove 1 leg and top portion to make a monopod which is so cool.5. The case is also very nice. It is not like those cheap flimsy case you get with tripod.6. And this is under $100!!I love this so much and those people who need a nice tripod should definitely get this!