KF BA225 Тренога из углеродного волокна, 2 секции, нижняя ось, треугольное сиденье из алюминиевого сплава, Съемный монопод, Шарнирная головка, Шарнирная головка, оранжевое углеродное волокно, головка KF-25, с низким центром тяжести

Модель: KF09.077V1

  • 10889
Общая оценка 4.6   23
Solid tripod - light weight - well built - nice monopod function as well!
Packaging - I don't really care for the packaging, but some might be interested. It's a nice glossy box, not some cheap cardboard.Tripod head - some reviews said it was stiff, but mine is very smooth to maneuverTripod legs - they seem very sturdy. I don’t know how to quantify it, but the tripod itself feels very well built, and definitely should be able to handle travels and exploration.I’ve been getting more into my photography and ended up taking a liking to landscape photography. I had bought a cheaper travel manfrotto but wanted to upgrade to a nice carbon fiber tripod. This tripod folds up nicely and is well built. My manfrotto tripod seems rather flimsy compared to this one!Other things that I liked:- Comes with a travel bag- Has the ability to detach a leg and turn it into a monopod, for those times when a tripod would be overkill. I didn’t think I’d like this function but now I’m going to start exploring situations when a monopod is sufficient.