KF BA225 Тренога из углеродного волокна, 2 секции, нижняя ось, треугольное сиденье из алюминиевого сплава, Съемный монопод, Шарнирная головка, Шарнирная головка, оранжевое углеродное волокно, головка KF-25, с низким центром тяжести

Модель: KF09.077V1

  • 10889
Общая оценка 4.6   23
It freaked me out at first
When I opened the package, it freaked me out at first because I found strange fungus kind of substance that looked and felt disgusting. I wish I had taken pictures to post here. Once I cleaned that from the provided case, the actual tripod was good. I can recommend it but the way it came with the case was freaking me as if I was getting exposed to some kind of fungus or something. Probably it was stored in a dirty place where things grew the way mushrooms grow on the dead trees.